What is Multiple Intelligence Test ?

Multiple Intelligence is also called as MI Test. DMIT Mainly use for Education Counselling and Career Guidance.

Each individual has a different sort of Intelligence composition. multiple intelligence are centered at different parts of the brain Lobes. so What is MI Test. It is a Study of 9 Multiple Intelligence composition of Human brain with help of MI Theory. Invented By Dr. Howard Gardner. He is Professor and scientist in Harvard University which is invented in 1983.

Types of Multiple Intelligence?

9 Multiple Intelligences

  • Intrapersonal Intelligence : Self Smart

  • Logical-Mathematical Intelligence : Number Smart

  • Musical Intelligence : Musical Smart

  • Linguistic Intelligence : Word Smart

  • Naturalist Intelligence : Nature Smart

  • Existential Intelligence : Phil Smart

  • Interpersonal Intelligence : People Smart

  • Spatial Intelligence : Picture Smart

  • Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence : Body Smart

Multiple Intelligence Explained